My name is Justin Lafferty. I'm 38 years old, from Las Vegas, Nevada. Born July 11th 1986. I'm Irish, Spanish and Italian.
I'm serving 3 to 8 years for burglary in Nevada Department of Corrections. I am on this site looking to meet new people from all different walks of life.
I'm very honest and open, so feel free to not hold back on any questions you have for me.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you in hopes of starting your long-term friendship.
Justin Lafferty # 95269
High Desert State Prison
P O Box 650
Indian Springs NV 89070 USA
Justin Lafferty
Ad Start: 12-26-2024
Ad Expiration: 12-26-2025
Basic Ad
Sex Male |
DOB 07/11/1986 |
Seeking Friends, Donstions |
Race Irish, Spanish, Italian |
Conviction Burglary |
Release Date 2028 |