Hi! I’m Kathleen and I like to think of myself as bright & full of life. I try to stay upbeat & surround myself with positivity. My friends say I’m weird, but I’m the coolest weird ever!
It makes me feel good to be the light in someone’s life. My most favorite thing to do is laugh. So, if you’re quick with a joke, then you have my attention. To me, intelligence is the most attractive quality in a person. I enjoy a good conversation with someone who can energize my mind on all kinds of subjects. I love to learn new things.
Write me to meet me! I can only receive mail on white paper and sent in white envelopes.
Kathleen Hydar # 47611-044
P O Box 4000
Aliceville AL 35442 USA
Kathleen Hydar
Sex Female |
DOB 09/14/1987 |
Seeking Friends |
Race Caucasian |
Conviction Conspiracy to Distribute Meth |
Release Date 2032 |
Ad Start: 12-16-21
Ad Expiration: 01-16-23
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