Hello to the ones making an honest living, Hola a la gente que hablan espanol, and wassup to the people who know how to get it crackin!
I'm Leslie and I'm 32 years old and I'm originally from the San Gabriel Valley area. I'm single with no kids and I'm interested in good conversations to help the time go by. I'm chill, open-minded and I like people with a good sense of humor.
I’m up for talking on the phone and if you want to add me to the getting out app so we can message each other and do video visits I'm up for that too.
I'm down to earth, easy to talk to and I don't mind if you like to talk a lot because I love to listen!
So write, visit me, I'm up to talk about it all! I really don't care what you look like either since I just like cool people to talk to and I speak Spanish too.
Until then you know where to find me!
Leslie Saenz # WG2724
Central California Womens Facility
P O Box 1508
Chowchilla CA 93610 USA
Leslie Saenz
Sex Female |
DOB 07/30/1991 |
Seeking Women, Men, Friends, Donations, Legal Help |
Race Hispanic |
Conviction Kidnapping |
Release Date 2026 |
Ad Start: 09-14-2023
Ad Expiration: 09-14-2024
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