David Starks Sr
David Starks Sr # N03758
Lawrence Correctional Center
10930 Lawrence Road
Sumner IL 62466 USA
Most questions people ask are questions those individuals has possibly already answered those questions themselves...
So why ask the question?
My name is David Starks SR, known as “Puddin'' Now don't get it twisted, I'm serving a natural life for the murder of a correctional officer. This took place in 1989 at Stateville Correctional Center in Joliet, Illinois which IDOC has continually contained me in restrictive housing since then for 24 hours a day. However, I'm still getting my hands dirty and trying to stay in the courts. Now, it's time to file my most important fight ever; I'm filing a petition for a DNA test seeking my freedom after waiting years of law firms and wrongful conviction delays in assistance from institutions from NY to FL and from FL to Washington. I must do this myself.
I do hope you're interested in the outcome just a little, just enough to become curious enough to check in on me.
Either way, wish me luck. To keep up with me contact me at
David Stark's SR #N03758
Criminal Case (People VS Starks #89CF665)
Ad Start: 05-16-2024
Ad Expiration: 05-16-2025
Sex Male |
DOB 11/21/1961 |
Seeking Women |
Race African American |
Conviction 1st Degree Felony Murder |
Release Date Serving A Life Sentence |