Art Martinez
Art Martinez # K92723
Pleasant Valley State Prison - A2-201
P O Box 8500
Coalinga   CA   93230   USA
Hello, if my picture just came up and you happened to stop to read my ad.  Let me just get a few minutes of your time. I hope my words will intrigue you because by the end, this request will determine if you are willing to let me into your world. So let me bring my spirit to light with this brief intro.

My name is Art Martinez and I am 52 years old. I'm currently incarcerated at Pleasant Valley State Prison. My reason for getting on this website is to reach out to the outside world with the hope of crossing paths with that special person I can one day call my "Queen."

I refuse to let the anchors of society hold me down or let my aspirations, goals and dreams be confined. So I must take upon myself to reach out beyond these walls to establish everything that defines sacredness in a relationship. I hope in time we can both learn something of value from each other through our existence that cross our path that will hold significant meaning. So if you take a chance and get to know me I'm sure it won't be a waste of your time. Because all lasting things come with time, effort and sacrifice.

So with this I end this request hoping to hear from that special woman that will be my honor to get to know.

Sincerely, Art M

P.S. There is a reason for all things we must know the pain of loss. Because if we never knew it we would have no compassion for others and we would become monsters of self regard, creatures of unalloyed, self interest. The terrible pain of loss teaches humility to our prideful kind. Has the power to soften uncaring hearts and to make a better person out of a good man.

Ad Start: 07-04-2024
Ad Expiration:  07-04-2025
Release Date