Hi, I'm Mariano. I'm 36 and looking for any penpals to correspond with while I ride the rest of my sentence out, which I only have one year left with the possibility of going home within the next few months.
If you would like to know more about me, you can add me on the gettingout.com app by punching in my name Mariano Silva #F09239 and the facility I'm in, which is Salinas Valley State Prison and we can message thru there or you can always hit me up thru snail mail. I'll provide you with my info below, well thanks for dropping in hope to hear from you soon.
Mariano Silva #F09239
Salinas Valley State Prison
P.O Box 1050 C3-227
Soledad, Ca, 93960
Mariano Silva # F09239
P O Box 1050
Soledad CA 93960 USA
Mariano Silva
Sex Male |
DOB 09/02/1986 |
Seeking Women |
Race Hispanic |
Religion Catholic |
Conviction Manslaughter |
Release Date 09/2024 |
Ad Start: 04-06-2023
Ad Expiration: 04-06-2024
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