My name is Otis Arrington, I'm 66 yrs old and I'm looking for some friends that have no problem Blowing The Whistle on corrupt & elusive State Employee’s & programs- I'm currently in a so-called Mental Health & Detention Treatment Center- But it's actually a continuation of my prison sentence- I've been here over 5 yrs and haven't had 30 seconds of treatment, my prison sentence was over on- June 21st 2019- I was brought here from prison and it's been a nightmare ever since, I've been treated worse here than I was in prison- In 2020 I did an interview with a reporter about this place, the article came out in August 2020- It’s online for anyone to read- The title is “Inside The Endless Nightmare of Indefinite Detention Under Civil Commitment” “ by Sarah Lazare”  she a investigative reporter for “In These Times”, and since this article was published the ADM has changed and it's gone from bad to worse, this new ADM is trying to charge us rent for being hostages and they are charging the state close to $150 Thousand Dollars a yr. per resident to be here- This place is called Rushville TDF and it's harder to get info about this place than it is a “CIA BLACK SITE”, if you call here and ask about me they won't even acknowledge I'm here unless you know what time I'm allowed to receive a phone call- Which is 4:00 pm central time on Mondays if anybody wants to call- What I'm looking for is someone that can and will alert the internet about the people that run this place. There is no oversight to this program,It's only suppose to be a 3-year program- But the money these people are getting to keep us here has funded this and the surrounding communities to the point they don't want to let us go- We are slaves to this program- We have to work for snacks- They won't even pay us cash money- They pay us in points that we can only spend here on junk food- And there's a limit of 1 & 2 items per type- And there's only between 10 & 15 types of snacks once a wk- If I had enough money to afford to tell you about this place in this ad I would be writing a book.

I hope to hear from someone Soon.

Otis Arrington


Otis Arrington # 926209
Rushville T D F
17019 County Farm Road
Rushville   IL   62681   USA
Otis Arrington
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African American
Release Date
Ad Start:   02-20-2025
Ad Expiration:  02-20-2026