Antonio Mathes
Antonio Mathes # 808310
Lebanon Correctional Center
P O Box 56
Lebanon   OH   45036   USA
What's good? I go by Tony.  I'm on prison pen pals to see if I can find a positive well-balanced woman to talk to and build with. I'm trying to find a friend that maybe with time and us building a strong foundation could grow to something more.

The woman I like to build with value 3 important jewels: her mind, her heart and her word. She is not interested in giving up either of those three so easily. She knows her worth and knows that being sexy are not the only things she aspires to be. She is capable of being so much more. She walks with dignity and self-respect, has high self-esteem and embraces her natural self.

To me a woman is a reflection of her man so the things I look for in a woman are the same kind of things I show to that woman but only time and communication can be shown to both parties.

Like the old saying goes, a pair of lips will say anything to two ears willing to listen. That's why I would like to build a friendship with a woman first and let her see I mean and stand on everything that I say.

So if you want to see if I am worth your time and start a friendship, write me or get on the Ohio getting out app and send me an email. If you send me an email and I don't respond it just means I have not gotten the message yet. In this prison sometimes the emails are slow so if you like you can send a paper letter and we can go on from there.

Ad Start: 06-20-2024
Ad Expiration:  06-20-2025
African American
Felonious Assault, Weapons Under Disability
Release Date