Danika Viasana
Danika Viasana # 519502
Wisconsin Womens Resource Center
P O Box 189
Phoenix   MD   21131   USA
My name is Danika, I'm 34 years old. I am native, black, Irish, Polish and German. I have a lot of tattoos all over. I have dark blonde hair and brown eyes. I weigh 145 lbs. I am incarcerated on identity theft and fraud charges. Technically I have 9 years left, however, I am in the beginning stages of appealing my 9 year sentence. It is extremely high that I will be released within the next year.

Prior to 2019, I loved a respectable life and was a productive member of  society.

In 2019 I suffered a loss so big that it destroyed me. I started hanging with the wrong crowd and then became the wrong crowd. I have been incarcerated since March 9, 2022. During my incarceration, I have utilized every helpful resource to better myself. I am currently in a restrictive living facility, run by the Department of Corrections, for a trauma program.

Everyday I become better than the person I was yesterday.

I have 3 children, ages 12, 7 and 9. I love being a mother and it comes before anything else. I am a Christian with extremely strong faith.

I love mushroom hunting, fishing, camping, traveling, photography, cooking, concerts, opera, golf, hockey…..and a bunch of other things, lol.

I love country, rock, Christian, opera, techno and Jazz. I know…super strong mix of music.

Questions that I have for you.
What are your likes/dislikes?
Do you have children or want children?
What are your intentions?
How is your personality? What are your beliefs? Morals? Goals?

I am incarcerated in Wisconsin and was born and raised here. All prisons in Wisconsin use a mail service for our mail. Everything is scanned and mailed to us.

I hope to hear from you soon!

Ad Start: 07-04-2024
Ad Expiration:  07-04-2025
Men, Friends,
Legal Help
Identity Theft Fraud
Release Date