My name is Nicholas Bukaski, everyone calls me Nick. I’m currently serving a 15-year sentence for armed robbery and arson. I’m in the Maryland prison system.
I’m 23 years old, about 5 ft. 8 in. tall, with brown hair and brown eyes. I like to read books, play video games, watch TV, hang out with friends and family and spend time taking a walk and enjoying nature.
I am looking forward to establishing a strong friendship and maybe something more, with a person who is kind, funny, loyal and honest.
Nicholas Bukoski # 473372
MD Correctional Institutiton - 4656032
18601 Roxbury Road
Hagerstown MD 21746 USA
Nicholas Bukoski
Sex Male |
DOB 11/21/1998 |
Seeking Women, Men |
Race Caucasian |
Conviction Armed Robbery |
Release Date 2030 |
Ad Start: 08-03-2023
Ad Expiration: 08-03-2024
Basic Ad