Darryle-Antonio Barnes # 471691
M C I Jessup - 2123679
P O Box 549

Jessup   MD   20794   USA
Darryle-Antonio Barnes
Hello, I'm human.

A taste of normality at times seems elusive when my circumstances depict me as not simply a once imperfect man, but a dehumanizing  societal stereotype. No. Not a father and son. A brother, leader or entrepreneur. Instead, due to my current situation the humanity in me is elusive to the masses, right alone with love, empathy and sincerity. My goal is to change that narrative, that facetious ideology.

I am an introvert.

One that uses my ability to take words and formulate stories told in the Poetic Arts. It's so easy for me to close my eyes and speak soul to soul with others, because I am a meticulous marvel when it comes to communication.

I am not a zombie.

I do not move aimlessly throughout life confused. I know who I am (would love to shoe someone else). I know what I require to be happy. I am a flawed man with dreams, goals and aspirations. I am a 39-year-old father of 3, who’s a work In process…………… Guess that makes me human.

Hope to hear from you!

African American
Armed Robbery
Release Date
Parole 11/2027
Ad Start:   08-03-2023
Ad Expiration:  08-03-2024
Basic Ad