Jonathan Vernier
Jonathan Vernier # 39067-004
USP Atwater
P O Box 019001
Atwater CA 95301 USA
I am seeking someone who has time for me because I have time for you.
My hobbies are limited because of my environment but now I'm into Arts and Crafts, books, music, history and politics.
I'm not going to write a lot now because you can tell by looking at me if you are going to be interested and take a chance with me.
Write me and then I can add you to my E-mail and we can really start trying to get to know each other.
I'm a spiritual person looking for a mature person to get to know and share stories with.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Have a great day.
Jonathan Lee Vernier
Ad Start: 01-09-2025
Ad Expiration: 01-09-2026
Sex Male |
DOB 10/05/1971 |
Seeking Women, Friends |
Race Caucasian |
Conviction Manslaughter |
Release Date Serving A Life Sentence |