What's up Stranger?!
It's obvious that something within my profile has sparked your interest or curiosity since you're here checking it out. Things do happen in life by coincidence. Connections made between two individuals throughout their journey of life do also occur. The difference between the two occurrences are that personal connections are not just ordinary coincidental things that happen with no purpose, meaning, or reason attached to them.

The influence that motivated my decision to create this profile includes purpose, meaning, and reason. The same purpose, meaning, and reason I have on why I chose to be posted clearly resembles similarities as to why you are here currently reading this introduction of mine. It's fair to state that you and I have come to the realization that something in our life is missing. We both have embarked on our own individual journey to find the missing piece to our puzzle that will ultimately bring perfection, wholeness, and completeness to the paths we travel down.

Reach out and contact me by snail mail or create an account through Securustech.net and send me an email. Whichever method works best for you is fine by me. Take a chance, you never know, it could be the chance taken that brings us both that same purpose, meaning, and reason we have been searching for.


Matthew Hargrove # 283853
ASPC Buckley
P O Box 3400
Buckeye   AZ   85326   USA
Matthew Hargrove
Ad Start:  04-25-2024
Ad Expiration:  04-25-2025
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