I hope when you stop to read this you're open-minded & looking for a cool Vibe.
I've made some poor decisions but I don't want to be judged solely by my mistakes. It's so much more to me than what I've done wrong
A little about me, I like music, sports, writing, fashion and working with the youth. I am originally from Chicago, Illinois but moved to Minneapolis, MN around 12 yrs. old. Circumstances weren't the best so I did what I could to survive when many of my friends could not.
Over the years I've grown and matured into a smarter, stronger, more positive and humble young man. I look forward to bringing smiles, laughs and genuine happiness to you if you're interested.
My OID # is 241041 on Jpay.com.
Julian Anderson # 241041
MCF Stillwater
970 Pickett Street N
Bayport MN 55003 USA
Julian Anderson
Sex Male |
DOB 03/08/1997 |
Seeking Women |
Race African American |
Conviction 2nd Degree Murder |
Release Date 04/17/2031 |
Ad Start: 04-13-2023
Ad Expiration: 04-13-2024