Jeff Reagle
Jeff Reagle # 231341
OSR - D-2-20

P O Box 514
Granite   OK   73547   USA
I'm blonde hair, blue-eyed, 5'10", 262 lbs. decent looking, built, balled and need someone to  rep me.

I've been framed in 16 years, see my lie detector test on youtube Jeff Reagle to watch the videos. I filed everything on my own so they played law and denied me on everything.

Everyone I knew seems to have forgotten. Police tried to shoot me so I knocked them out, they're crooked in Tulsa, it was all on video the state had to pay the jury to get me, it's on record and in lie detector test.

I'm real and I just need to find some real friends to communicate with. I even paid a lawyer $5000 and she never did anything to help me out-paid her 7-22-16, And I would be out free with some people repping, look what Kim K did on twitter, she's gotten people out. Power of the people. Really they were jealous because I was a go-getter.

I'm very worth your time and I appreciate your time as well, I just want to come home and love on a woman!

Ad Start: 05-18-2023
Ad Expiration:  05-18-2024
Women, Friends
A&B on Police Possession of a Firearm
Release Date
When Courts Release Me, Serving a Life Sentence