Angela Riddle # 21000863
Muscogee County Jail
P O Box 2062
Atlanta GA 30309 USA
Angela Riddle
I am Angela Riddle, my chirp number is 7069403181 you can text me but be considerate of chirps! go to <>. to add text & phone time. go to www.jailatm <http://www.jailatm> to send pictures.
I'm willing to relocate and I will be getting out July 11.
My address to write is Angela Riddle 210000863 Muscogee county jail 925B peachtree st Po.Box 2062 Atl Ga 30309
Sex Female |
DOB 07/23/1987 |
Seeking Women |
Race Mixed |
Religion Christian |
Conviction Drugs |
Release 07/22/2022 |
Ad Start: 05-19-2022
Ad Expiration: 05-19-2023