Sammy Lopez # 195927
Joseph Harp Correctional Center
P O Box 548
Lexington   OK   73051   USA
Sammy Lopez
Hello, my name is Samuel “Sammy” Lopez. I committed a serious crime when I was 17 yrs old and am very remorseful for it. But I don't want my life to continue being defined by what I did as a naive and unthoughtful kid.

Since 2005, Supreme Court rulings have accepted adolescent brain science and found that “young people are constitutionally different from adults in their level of culpability. “They also noted that adolescence is marked by “immaturity, impetuosity and failure to appreciate risks and consequences”.  A Supreme Court Justice also wrote that “People whose crime occurred when they were too young to vote or buy beer should get some meaningful opportunities to support release.”

If I were released today I would want to stay in a sober living home for one year.  Drinking and drugs are key factors in why I am in prison. I need to get myself together so that I can be the best version of me possible.

Secondly is work. My brother has a dog-boarding kennel and he said that I could work with him. That would be great because I love animals and getting paid to take care of them would be a bonus.

Thirdly is to work on becoming an entrepreneur. My business would be to sell Made in Oklahoma (MIO) food and hygiene products to our jails and prisons. This would keep more money that we spend at canteen here in Oklahoma.

This would also help the local businesses grow, which in turn would create more jobs and revenue staying in Oklahoma. This is a brief summary of my plans and what I would like to achieve. I have many more noble ideas and plans but I'll save them for another day.

I welcome any mail that is positive and encouraging.

I am also seeking donations to hire an attorney that could help me get a time cut.

Thank you for your time, I hope to hear from you soon.

The picture is of me at age 22. I have gained some weight but I still think I'm handsome.

Women, Men, Friends, Donations,
Legal Help
Serving A Life Sentence
Ad Start: 06-06-2024
Ad Expiration: 06-06-2025