Times a ticking for this Pooh Bear, honey I'm looking for some sugar to sweeten up my day. Please don't waste my time. This queen bee works hard for her money so don't play with my Honey Jar. I will do whatever. As long as you keep the crown on this queen bee's head. Don't play in my Honey Jar I promise you won't be disappointed. Help this Queen Bee fill her Honey Jar and see she will not sting you.
Securus or JPay accepted. Leave address and numbers to contact you if you reach out this way instead of handwritten letters.
Have a sparkling sweet day. Can't wait to hear from yβall.
XOXO !!ππ
Frances Mercado # 176957
P O Box 392005
Denver CO 80239 USA
Frances Mercado
Ad Start: 12-26-2024
Ad Expiration: 12-26-2025
Basic Ad
Sex Female |
DOB 08/25/1991 |
Seeking Men, Donations, Legal Help |
Race Hispanic |
Religion Native American |
Conviction Menacing |
Release Date 03/2028 |