Jerimy Sneed
Jerimy Sneed # 05270-030
U S P Coleman 2
P O Box 1034
Coleman   FL   33521   USA
Hello! Thank you for taking the time to read my profile. I want to start off by letting you know I am in prison for murder. I've been in since 1996 when I was 22.

With that said, while I accept what my life is now, I don't accept the notion that I can't enjoy my life to the best of my ability. I still wish to meet new people, share laughs, thoughts, ideas and experiences. My life has changed, it is not over. Because of that mindset I am doing everything I can to improve myself to make the best version of me. I continue to search for new things to help that goal. Currently I am working on a Bachelor's of Science in Psychology.

So, what am I looking for? I'm looking for someone who enjoys laughing and looks for moments in life to smile. I look for someone who aims to live life to its fullest. I look for someone who has the confidence to be the first to laugh, the curiosity to ask whatever comes to mind, the strength to express their opinion and the patient patience to listen to mine. I look for someone who has the courage to be themselves no matter how weird, different, unique or quirky that may be and to give the big middle to the world and those who say you are wrong. Above all…I look for pure honesty. None of the others things in life are important. Rich, poor, tall, short, thick, thin etc…none of those are ya. What is in your head and heart, that is you and that is who I wish to meet and I am looking forward to meeting you. Have a great day!

Ad Start: 05-02-2024
Ad Expiration:  05-02-2025
Murder for Hire
Release Date
Serving A Life Sentence